It is natural for parents to be on high alert in order to keep their children healthy. Vaccination techniques should be used during their growing phase to boost our children’s defenses and protect them from contracting major diseases such as tetanus, measles or TB, among others.
We know that one of the most significant worries for parents is disease in general. Children in the initial stage of childhood are more prone to some of the most common childhood diseases that impact the respiratory, digestive and skin systems.
Here we discuss some of the most prevalent childhood ailments and how to cure them.
The Common Cold
Children are susceptible to catching colds all year long. Colds are not caused by being wet or being outside in cold weather, contrary to common perception. Cold viruses are airborne which means they spread when someone becomes sick and coughs or sneezes.
The easiest approach to avoid catching a cold is to wash your hands often and avoid contact with ill people whenever possible.
Common cold symptoms include:
- Fever
- Coughing/sneezing
- Running nose and congestion
- Throat discomfort
- Aches and pains in the body
- Tiredness (fatigue)
Colds usually clear up on their own after a few days of rest. Parents may give their children over-the-counter decongestants, antihistamines and fever relievers but they must follow the written dose guidelines. If your child’s symptoms do not improve within a week then you must consult child specialists.
The Flu
During flu season in the fall and winter months, influenza viruses spread quickly. The flu has many symptoms that are similar to those of the common cold, but they can be more severe.
The most effective strategy to avoid the flu is to get vaccinated every year. Most children are apprehensive about having vaccination injections, yet a jab once a year is preferable to being bedridden for days or even weeks.
Flu symptoms include:
- High fever and/or chills
- Severe bodily aches, pains and/or headaches
- Cough and/or sore throat
- Nauseousness or vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Tiredness (fatigue)
Doctors can perform flu tests to establish a diagnosis and may recommend medicine to treat the illness. If a child has the flu, he or she should stay at home and away from school to avoid spreading the illness and to get plenty of rest.
If your kid is experiencing trouble breathing, has a fever of more than 103 ºF (or 101 ºF for newborns aged 3 to 6 months) or has a fever that lasts longer than 3 days then you must call child specialists immediately at once.
If you’re a parent, you may recall chickenpox as one of the most common childhood diseases that appeared to affect everyone. While chickenpox may cause relatively minor symptoms in some people, it can cause serious complications or even death in youngsters with weakened immune systems.
The chickenpox (varicella) vaccination, thankfully, can prevent chickenpox. It is suggested that children receive the varicella vaccination between the ages of 12 and 15 months, followed by a booster dose between the ages of 4 and 6 years.
Because the chickenpox virus is airborne, it spreads readily when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Hence watch out for the following symptoms:
- A rash that appears as raised red pimples or blisters on the arms, legs, torso, and/or face.
- Extreme fatigue
- Appetite loss
Doctors will diagnose chickenpox by looking at the distinctive red rash. It can be addressed with medications such as acetaminophen (NOT aspirin) and soothing lotions. Consult your doctor if your child’s symptoms linger for more than a week or if he or she develops new ones such as a worsening rash or difficulty breathing.
Strep Throat
Strep throat (streptococcal pharyngitis) is a bacterial illness that produces a painful and swollen throat. Children should consult a doctor if they have strep throat since most instances require medication to be treated. When an infected individual coughs or sneezes, the bacteria can spread through the air, or it can be transmitted on the surfaces of shared objects.
Aside from hand cleaning, children should avoid sharing dining utensils, drinking glasses and food with others. Also, make sure to wash lunchboxes and utensils in hot, soapy water every day.
Strep throat symptoms include:
- Throat discomfort or itching
- Tonsils that are red or inflamed
- Having difficulty swallowing
- Fever
In most cases, your family doctor can test for strep throat straight in their office. They may then recommend an antibiotic treatment.
Even if your kid is feeling better, it is critical that they take all of the medicines given to them. Because certain germs may persist after symptoms have subsided. The germs can then proliferate and cause your kid to become ill again.
Pink Eye
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) is an inflammation of the eye and inner eyelid. Pink eye can be caused by a variety of factors but it is most usually caused by viruses or bacteria passed from a child’s hands to their eyes. Other types of conjunctivitis are caused by allergic responses to allergens in the environment such as pollen, ragweed or dust.
Pink eye can be avoided by washing your hands often and taking any recommended allergy treatments. Remind your children to wash their hands after coming in from outside, sharing toys, touching their faces or removing contact lenses.
Pink eye can cause the following symptoms:
- Pink or reddish discoloration of the white area of the eye
- Irritation or itching of the eyes
- A grainy sensation, as if sand or similar irritant were in the eye
- Discharge from the eye
- High tear production.
- Eyelids that feel sticky or puffy
- Hazy vision
Typically, a doctor may prescribe a particular eye drop, ointment or antibiotic tablet. A warm compress across the eyes may also help children feel better.
Pinkeye can be bothersome but it seldom leads to long-term issues. If your symptoms worsen or do not improve after a week of medication, consult your doctor for other choices.
For many of these common childhood diseases, children are often treated under a doctor’s guidance with antibiotics, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen. So consult your physician for the correct dose which should be dependent on the child’s weight.
Mild infections, both viral and bacterial, can sometimes progress to more severe illnesses. If your child’s sickness worsens or develops problems, send him to the emergency department or visit his physician as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the best care for your kid, consult with our child specialists at Meher Hospital to acquire treatment recommendations and ensure they are delivered safely.